Workshop 4B
Measuring and modelling the development of retinotopic maps
Stephen Eglen, Cambridge University, UK
Ian Thompson, Kings College London, UK
- Title: Quantifying retinotopic map development in the mouse
Johannes Hjorth, Cambridge University, UK
- Title: Theoretical advances in understanding retinotopic map development
Andrew Huberman, UC San Diego, USA
- Title: Assembling circuits for delivering specific qualities of visual information to the brain
David Willshaw, Edinburgh University, UK
Stephen Eglen, Cambridge University, UK
This workshop will highlight recent experimental and theoretical advances in assessing the developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of retinotopic maps in the mouse visual system. This has become the paradigm system for investigating mechanisms for the development of ordered nerve connections. We will explore the roles of both gradient-based and activity-based mechanisms. Looking forward, we will outline interesting recent experimental results from related systems, such as visual cortex. The challenge to the community will be to see if existing theories can account for these data, or whether they will drive the development of new theories. Issues of the availability of suitable modelling software will be addressed.
Video caption:
Simulation of the mammalian development of the normal mapping from the retina (left) to the superior colliculus (right). Two superior colliculus neurons and the retinal ganglion cells that synapse onto them are highlighted in red and green.